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Minister Pat Breen T.D., Minister for Small Business and Employment, launched the latest NACEC report , "Community Enterprise Centres - Their role and impact in Enterprise Development and Job Creation" at an event in Northside Enterprise Centre, Coolock on Tuesday 7th February 2017.
Community Enterprise Centres – Powering Economic Recovery.
Community Enterprise Centres are continuing to make a huge contribution to Employment Creation and Economic recovery in the marginalised and challenged economies in which they are located. That’s according to the Chairman of the National Association of Community Enterprise Centres (NACEC), Joe Kelly who was speaking at the launch of a report on the Role and Impact of the Community Enterprise Centres in Enterprise Development and Job Creation.
The most recent study, commissioned by NACEC in conjunction with Enterprise Ireland and conducted by independent Economic Consultancy Company, First Western, examined the sector across the country. The study found that the 95 vibrant and active Community Enterprise Centres (CECs) have developed a bespoke response to the context and situation in their own areas and collectively host over 4,600 jobs in 1,600 small businesses.
Speaking at the launch, Minister for Employment and Small Business, Pat Breen TD said “It gives me great pleasure to launch this report which highlights the great work that the CECs are doing to support enterprise and employment around Ireland.
It is reassuring to see that the performance and impacts of the CECs across Ireland have continued to move in the right direction, despite many challenges. Small and micro enterprises make a huge contribution to their communities in every region of the country and the CECs are a valuable part of their local and regional support network.
Community Enterprise Centres provide a supported environment where a developing project can get assistance and advice to help them with the challenges they meet along the way. This, said the NACEC Chairman, may explain why business failure rates in the CECs are low at just 9%. In the period 2013 to 2016, 300 small businesses with almost 1000 jobs outgrew their Enterprise Centre incubation space and moved out to private sector space where they contribute to the employment in their local economy. Over 85% of jobs in CECs are in private sector businesses but some CECs have adopted a role in hosting or even establishing Social Enterprises which create employment and address a local need at the same time.
One key figure that has emerged from the latest study is the role that CECs play in their local economy. In the period 2013 to 2016, CECs assisted in the creation of over 13,000 jobs in their local economies. These jobs were created in projects that were / are not tenants of a CEC but rather operate in the local economy in which the CEC is located and would have availed of the services of the CEC by way of advice, training, mentoring or referral to another agency, but as a result of this, the business developed and prospered and created much needed employment. This proves just how much of an “Economic Development Engine” a Community Enterprise Centre can be.
Concluding, Joe Kelly stated that the overall study proves the point that if you have a business idea or have a business which has potential to grow further, you can visit your nearest Community Enterprise Centre, where you will receive relevant advice and assistance, mentoring, training and referral to all appropriate agencies as well as suitable modern workspace at an affordable price. He urged all businesses to check the newly revamped NACEC website for more details and the location of their closest CEC.
The Infograph Summary of the report can be downloaded here.
Caption for photo:
Pictured at the launch of the National Association of Community Enterprise Centre’s (NACEC) report “Community Enterprise Centres in Ireland – Their Role and Impact in Enterprise Development and Job Creation” – from left to right: Joe Kelly, Chairman NACEC; Sarah Daly, Treasurer NACEC; John O’Connor, Vice-Chair NACEC; Fiona Nolan, Secretary NACEC; Pat Breen TD, Minister for Small Business & Employment; Gary O’Meara, Vice-Secretary NACEC.
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